Theater Directory

Friday, October 30, 2015

Welcome to the Spook Factor!

Greetings and welcome to the very first episode of my brand new show! What is it about? Well, I’ll let the video speak for itself…

I’m really excited to be starting this new video reviewing endeavor! Please leave a comment with any thoughts or suggestions.

I’m not sure if I’m going to keep the “creepy tone” that I use in the video. Might cheer myself up a bit for the first REAL episode. On that note!

I will try my absolute hardest to have at least 1 new video up a month! My hope is to have more than one up a month. However, knowing how life gets in the way, I will only be promising up to 1 video per month. As such, expect the first official episode to come up before the month of November is up! When exactly? Don’t know yet. But soon!

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you around the campfire!

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